Made in Germany
Website Monitoring Magazine is a product of Leankoala GmbH and is based in Hamburg. We think that is of course good, because Hamburg is the most beautiful city in Germany (sorry Berlin). But not only that you can live well in the hanseatic city but there are many other advantages to being located in Hamburg and Germany.
Data protection and information security
Yes, it is often an annoying topic. Especially when you offer a service. It was important for us to make sure from the beginning, that the data we collect does not leave Germany. At least, if you want it to. That's why all our servers are in data centers in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Especially now that the Privacy Shield with the USA has been declared null and void has been annulled and the GDPR is hovering over us all, you have to be careful where your data is located. In the monitoring area, that's probably not a problem as long as no personal data is involved. Or data that not everyone should have access to. Because in addition to data protection information security is also a high value.
Problems can arise if the monitoring system is allowed to access subpages that are not available to everyone via the Internet. available to everyone via the Internet. This can be via an HTTP Basic-Auth, a login or a firewall that allows certain "monitoring requests" to pass. through.
As soon as you want to monitor such sites, it makes sense to use a monitoring tool from Germany or at least the EU, to be on the safe side.
We live in an English speaking IT world. User groups are in English. Documentation as well. Nevertheless, we believe that it is a great complex topics like the detailed monitoring of websites, it is a great advantage if questions and challenges can be can be communicated in German.
English language started completely in German and we have been very happy with this decision. Nevertheless, in the meantime we have also made our our English-speaking users happy and put a multilingual version online.