In English, please!
Website Monitoring Magazine
Finally the time has come. After many German-speaking customers, we have decided to conquer the international market. The first step? An English version of our website monitoring service. Of course, this will put us in direct competition with Pingdom, StatusCake, Uptrends and the like. But we are not afraid of that, because we clearly have the better* product (*here you can now imagine a disclamer, why this is all always subjective and so).
Why in several languages?
Even though we all speak or at least understand English in some way in Germany, we have decided to continue to maintain both languages. Of course this means double effort on our side, but we think it's worth it.
But why? The answer is quite simple. We have always had it in mind that we want to be very easy to use. To that end, we also introduced two levels in the tool itself. One that is very easy to understand. Without technical gimmicks. And one that also satisfies technicians.
We realize that if we want to maintain the simplicity of our tool, then we have to continue to offer it in the native language of the users. It's easy to forget that website owners don't always have a good understanding of how the web works. And that's OK. They are experts in other fields. Especially in e-commerce, you find this constellation again and again. And that's exactly who we want to be accessible to.
The balancing act between accessibility and technical expertise is not always easy, of course, but it is one of our great unique selling points and therefore also a very high asset for us.
How multilingual is
Very. With us, each user can individually decide whether to choose the German or English language for themselves. Additionally, we decided to add the language parameter to the alerts.
.We didn't want to attach this setting to the user's language because we wanted to maintain flexibility. Many agencies we cooperate with will choose the English language mode for themselves and their developers, but the alerts that go out to the clients have to be in German. This way we keep the process simple to get the customer or agency on board and optimize the cooperation.
In summary, multilingualism runs through the whole product and we have thought of many details ready.
Of course, we will also publish our magazine and the entire website in English in the next few days. You will surely notice that as well.
Which languages do you want to support in the future?
The goal is of course to offer as many languages as possible. German and English we can do ourselves. Depending on how many requests we get for other languages, we will not leave it at that. So let us know what we can do for you.
It's nice that you are reading our magazine. But what would be even nicer is if you tried our service. offers extensive Website monitoring especially for web projects. Uptime, performance, SEO, security, content and tech.
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